Congrats to Steve Jacobson Hoops campers
We would like to congratulate Jenna Moser for being named the Washington State Class 1B Player of the Year by the Associated Press. Congrats to Anna Yarbro for being one of two freshmen in the entire state to named first team All-State. Finally, congrats to North Idaho College's Mollie Kramer for advancing to the National Junior College Athletic Association's national tournament and dropping 18 points on Williston State College. Several more campers earned all-league honors this season. Are you next?
Welcome to Steve Jacobson Hoops
We are expanding our website to include many new features. Feature articles written for coaches and players will be appearing in the articles tab. These articles will cover a variety of topics and will be written by high school and college coaches as well as high school, college and professional basketball players. We are also working to upload videos and provide links to other informational videos and articles to further develop you as a player or a coach. Additional articles and video posts are uploaded to the Steve Jacobson Hoops fan page on Facebook. Use the Find us on Facebook link at the bottom of the page to like us.
What is Steve Jacobson Hoops?
Steve Jacobson Hoops is a highly-skilled basketball camp in the Pacific Northwest that will come to your school and put on a camp designed to teach players of all ages and skill levels advanced ball handling drills, how and when to attack players off the dribble and many other skills that would cost several hundreds of dollars at a team or individual camp. These camps can be tailored to your school/team needs and can also include: dribbling moves and counter moves, various passing techniques, form shooting, executing the art of the pick-and-roll, moving without the ball, using screens, how to post up, finishing moves for guards and posts. Using unique and progressive drills, the players will be motivated to improve their game with the use of two-ball exercises, tennis balls, cones, chairs, and a progression of traditional 1-on-0 work followed by 1-on-1 skill work. Many of the drills are being used to train the elite basketball player from high school to the pros, but can be developed by players of any skill level. If you love to work hard, listen, have fun and play basketball, then Steve Jacobson Hoops is the camp for you. Reserve your camp date today.